The UTOS pipeline runs from Transco Station 44 to the
WC-167 platform. The UTOS pipeline is the only 42” pipeline in the Gulf and was formerly owned and operated by Enbridge. The UTOS pipline is being repurposed for transporting natural gas from the onshore grid to the Delfin DWP site.
Adjacent to Transco Station 44 the Delfin compression facilities will be built to support the feedgas supply to the Delfin FLNG Vessels.
Delfin has a long-term access agreement for the HIOS pipeline segment running from WC 167 south to the Delfin Deepwater Port location. The HIOS pipeline is being repurposed for transporting natural gas from UTOS via a bypass at WC167 to the Delfin DWP site.
Delfin Midstream owns (through its subsidiary Avocet LNG) the Grand Chenier pipeline, a 30” pipeline that runs from the Grand Chenier site, adjacent to the Mermentau river, to WC-171 and to WC-167. This pipeline is planned to be developed by the company to support growth ad expansion of its Deepwater Port projects.